Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thy Will Be Done

Sometimes in the midst of pain and despair, the emotions thrash about, looking for reason, explanation, or even resisting the situation which is at hand until there becomes a realization that the only way out of the suffering is through the act of surrendering.

Good things happen to good people. Bad things also happen to good people. We may not always know the reasons “why” behind what happens. Sometimes situations are choices that the Soul makes as part of its Higher Plan in order to work through karmic debts. Sometimes they are choices that the Soul makes in order to learn specific lessons in this lifetime.

In GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui’s Kabalistic Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer, “thy Will be done” refers to the alignment of our wills with the Will of God—also corresponding to the front and back solar plexus chakras, the centers of lower emotions. In Kabbalah, the solar plexus chakra is called Gevurah, which means severity, judgment, and strength. Let us find inner strength in knowing that there is a Higher Plan for all of us, even in the midst of our pain and suffering. Let us find inner strength in knowing that there is always a Higher Reason, and take comfort in knowing that as we align our wills with the Will of God, everything that we do and everything that happens to us and through us is being guided by Divinity. We are the humble instruments here on Earth for God’s Will to manifest. Everything we do, we do on behalf of the Higher Plan—not only for ourselves but for the consciousness of the Earth. Surrender in that knowledge that this interconnecting web that binds us directly to the painful situation, or indirectly through our compassion and empathy for those who are suffering, is all part of God’s Will.

Let the will of my higher soul be done,
not the urges of my lower nature.
Let the will of my higher soul be aligned
with the will of my spiritual teacher.
Let the will of my higher soul be aligned
with the will of God.
I ask for the blessing of my higher soul.
I ask for soul mastery.
Let Thy will be done.
So be it.

As our higher nature takes greater control over the lower nature, as our wills become aligned with the wills of our Sat Guru and the will of God, we find the strength to face all of the challenges that come our way, as well as savor the joys and bliss that are also part of God’s gifts to us and our lives.

It is in surrendering that we are able to release the grip that the situation has over us—mentally, physically, and emotionally. Surrendering includes a dimension of forgiveness: forgiveness and release of anger at our selves for not being able to control and remove the situation. Forgiveness toward the source or person for causing you this pain. Forgiveness toward the problem itself for existing and not going way. Or even, forgiveness toward God for allowing this situation to happen. The Forgiveness Technique may help in releasing some of this anger that binds you to the situation, that blocks you from receiving God’s Divine Mercy, Compassion, and soothing, healing, purifying light to wash away your pain.

Perhaps the increased awareness and clarity that everything in our lives is part of God’s Will and the Higher Plan for us will allow us to forgive, surrender, and let go. This, too, shall pass.

From the “Universal and Kabbalistic Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer” by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui.

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