Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wesak Full-Moon Meditation

Friday, May 8, 8:00 pm PDT

As the most powerful Full Moon of the Year, it is a priceless opportunity that is only available once a year for your Soul to bathe in the massive spiritual energies being brought to us by the Lord Buddha, through the Lord Christ and all the Spiritual Elders of our Beloved Mother Earth.

Please join us for this Sacred Event! Master Co will give a talk at 8 pm PDT on the Four Noble Truths & the Eightfold Path. At 8:50 pm PDT, the Wesak Festival Meditation will start. Immediately after, we will focus the massive energies to Bless the Global Economy, our loved ones and our projects.

Dial-in information.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |
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Love People as They Are

It is much easier to love people as they are than to hope that they will act and behave in the manner that we wish they would. When we learn to love people as they are, we create easier, more harmonious relationships and peace within ourselves.

Each day offers the opportunity to interact with people—be it in social settings, work environments, or simply out and about. Some of these engagements may be heart-warming and positive; others may leave you with feelings of disappointment or perhaps irritation. Unless one chooses to retreat and live the life of a spiritual aspirant in the Himalayan Mountains, we will always be interacting and exchanging energy with those around us.

When you look at some of the relationships in your life that might have some sticking points or friction, what are the contributing factors that create disharmony? Take a moment to honestly scan: what % of the friction is contributed by the other party? What % is contributed by YOU?

Often when our dissatisfaction in others arise, it tends to stem from missed expectations—our anticipation of how we wanted the interaction to flow, what we wanted the other party to say or do, what the end result was in comparison to what we wanted it to be. How often have we described these interactions to others and in our description we say the words, “I wish he was more…”, “She should have said…”, “Why couldn’t he have acted more…” The common factor here is that we want things to be a certain way and they are not! We want people to act the way we want them to and they don’t always align with our wishes!

Instead of expending precious energy trying to change others, isn’t it so much easier if we change ourselves instead? If we put our focus and attention on accepting people as they are—strengths, flaws and all? When you focus on the good, you will get more of it. If a peaceful, easy existence is what you’re after in your life, then shift into this frame of mind, praise people for what they ARE doing properly and let the rest of it go. Put your hands in blessing position and send loving pink energy to all of your relationships, especially the ones that are more difficult. Bless each person with happiness, peace and harmony. Some of them you will bless and let go out of your life. Others you will bless and then find a place for them in your life, exactly as they are. And then, you can enjoy and appreciate them for the things that make them special and unique to you.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |
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Creating Prosperity Weekend Training

July 2009 Higher Courses

MCKS Pranic Feng Shui: July 24
Secrets of Feng Shui never before divulged to the general public. Learn how the energies of different directions and environmental formations affect your health, wealth and spirituality.

MCKS Kriyashakti(R): July 25-26
Kriya$hakti teaches you how to properly harness the power of your thoughts, subtle energies and your auric field to create a life of prosperity and success both materially as well as spiritually.

MCKS Inner Christianity Revealed: July 27
Discover the Inner Teachings of the Lord Christ to transform and empower your life. MCKS' mission is to unify religious schools of thinking by exploring the interwoven truth "we are all children of God, connected to God, one with God and one with All."

Read more.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

With God, All Things are Possible

Regardless of to whom you pray, all paths lead back to the Supreme God. And with God, all things are possible.

“How could that be?” you might ask. Many of us tend to look at situations in our lives or the world around us and ask how God could be with us when we see distress, turmoil or suffering. Some may even give “tests” to God: “if you really exist, then make this problem go away and THEN I'll believe in you. Only then will I have faith in you.”

The thing is, God typically doesn't rationalize things like us incarnated beings do. God's Love, His Grace, His Compassion and His Mercy are unconditional! He offers this to all of us—the good, the not so good, the bad, and even the terrible. God loves all of us unconditionally. Part of the human opportunity is to recognize some potentially misguided beliefs about God: call it the God-as-Santa-Claus or God-as-your-parent concept. Essentially, we think that God rewards us when we are “good” and punishes us when we are “bad”.

When we project these beliefs, essentially we are sending forth limiting beliefs into the Universe. We are cutting ourselves off from the Source every time we make a judgment about ourselves, our actions, and we decide that we came up short or we weren't “good enough” or “not worthy” to deserve God's Blessings. You may read this statement and dismiss it as something for others who have low self-esteem, low self-confidence, or who are always beating themselves up about something. At first glance, that might seem like the target audience to whom this message speaks. However, there are many levels of truth, and for the spiritual aspirant who is on the path to soul evolution, a pause to consider, ask, and scan the question “Are there any conscious or unconscious, known or unknown, internal or external obstacles preventing God's Will to fully manifest through me?” If your scanning shows “yes” to this question, then there is some work to be done to clear and purify these obstacles.

When we say “with God, all things are possible”, we're essentially talking about God's Will, God's Highest Plan for each of us. We don't always know what God's Highest Plan is for each of us. That is the beauty and mystery of life. When we don't land the much-needed job after the interview and start thinking that finding a way to make a living is really hard, or that we are horrible in interviews, we've immediately flipped the switch to the “off” position—the switch that allows God's Will to flow through us. We don't know that maybe, perhaps, God has something even better for us around the corner, that this wasn't the right and proper job and God wants MORE for us than we could even imagine for ourselves. But, how will we know that if we turn off the receptivity switch before God and God's timing has a chance to deliver?

So, how do we get to a place where we allow this infinite power source into our lives? We begin by humbling ourselves and moving to a place of great respect toward God and His Highest Plan that is created uniquely for each one of us. We continue to monitor our words, our thoughts, our actions for things that would obstacalize us from believing that we truly deserve to have magnificent lives. If we cannot say, “I deserve God's Promise to be Divinely Healthy, Divinely Wealthy, Divinely Happy, Divinely in Love,” whatever phrase it is you choose; and, if we more importantly cannot fully believe in the statement, then we need to use the Teachings of Pranic Healing to clear, release and purify to remove these limitations until we know with Absolute Faith that these things are all part of God's Desires for each of us.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center

The Three Spiritual Festivals of 2009

There are three major spiritual Festivals which for the high point in the annual cycle. These are the Festival of Easter (at the Aries full moon), the Festival of Wesak (at the Taurus full moon), and the Festival of Goodwill (at the Gemini full moon). Through the steady, persistent meditation work of many individuals and groups in all parts of the world, these Festivals are now achieving a subjective anchorage in the consciousness of mankind.*

During this time, the cooperation of the Buddha and the Christ sets up a channel of distribution for the Shamballa force, the energy of the will-to-good, but the completion of this channel depends upon the cooperation of spiritually responsive individuals throughout the world.*
Read more.

* All information here is courtesy of Lucius Trust.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center

Wesak Festival in California

Wesak Festival Meditation: May 8, 6 – 10:30 pm, Anaheim, CA
This year each Master/Acharya will be leading special meditations throughout the world to harness and anchor the divine blessings of the Buddha and the Spiritual Hierarchy throughout Mother Earth.

Inner Buddhism Revealed: May 9, 9 am – 10:30 pm, Anaheim, CA
It is customary during the Sacred Time of Wesak for Spiritual Teachers to give a Discourse on the Four Noble Truths & the Eightfold Path.

Click here for more info.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center

Arhatic Fundraiser Event

All Arhatic Yogis are invited to join in a special Arhatic Intensive Fund Raising Event where all proceeds will be equally divided between Feed Your Soul and the Endowment Fund for World Peace & Global Healing, after expenses. This event will be led by Charlotte Anderson, wife of Master Choa Kok Sui and compiler of his last 10 books. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will take place June 13-14.

More info

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Freedom of Choice - Choosing Easier, Better Lives

Allowing others to live their lives is not always easy—especially if it's a child, close friend or loved one. It's even more challenging when we see that their choices may not be the best ones possible. So often it's easy for us as the observers to watch and see a pattern of mistakes repeated over and over again. We offer advice, opinions, suggestions about what to do differently next time. Much harder is it for us to accept when those we care about continue on a path of suffering instead of finding their way out.

Choice is a gift from God, a gift of Divine Freedom. Everyone has been given the gift of free will and choice. Some use this gift consciously, selectively choosing from the smorgasbord of options in life with awareness, grace and care. Others dive in with reckless abandonment, feasting on only those options that provide the greatest pleasures and gratifications. And some eat only whatever they see directly in front of them and then question the lack of variety or possibilities available.

Whether we live our lives consciously or not, choice is a Divine Birthright that is bestowed upon every single soul when it comes through the birth canal and into the brightness of the world. Choice is something that no one can take from you. It has been reported that survivors of some of the world's greatest tragedies stated that their key to staying alive was finding something they had a choice about every day—no matter how small it seemed. Divine Choice lends itself to Divine Empowerment.

As part of this freedom of choice, you are in control of choosing your thoughts, emotions, behaviors and decisions. No one makes you do anything you don't want to do. You may feel obligations to say “yes” when you really want to say “no”, but it is still within your Divine Right to say “no” if you really don't want to do something. When you begin to realize that you are the cause and everything that manifests in your life is the effect, you begin to live a life of pure Divine Freedom. For many, this may be a brand new way of thinking, especially if the belief has been that one's life is the result of forces happening all around.

Just as we individually have our own freedom of choice, so does everyone around us. A poignant example of this can be found in Step One from Al-Anon*, a program for families and friends of those suffering from alcoholism.

The “3 Cs” in Al-Anon
- I did not cause it (alcoholism)
- I cannot control it
- I cannot cure it

These tenets apply not only to those working through addictions, but can be applied to any choice that others make in life—specifically those choices that may be unhealthy, self-destructive, and/or lead to some form of suffering. When we see others we care about in less-than-ideal situations, relationships, environments, etc., all we can do is be supportive and give them the space to renegotiate a new choice that is better, that serves their higher purpose. While we may feel bad or have feelings of guilt for the suffering that loved one is going through, we must remember that: we did not cause their situation, we cannot control the choices they make, and we cannot cure their patterns of unhealthy behavior. Everyone has a choice. And, it is up to each one to decide that they want a new, a better, an easier life than the one the have through the choices they currently have made. Holding on to unhealthy patterns is a decision and a choice to continue to suffer. How does one stop the suffering? It happens the moment one decides to change.

* From How Al-Anon Works – page 46 (copyright 1995, by Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.)

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |

Allowing Divinity to Work for You

When you observe your actions throughout the day, how often do you find yourself trying to “steer” the directions of specific desired outcomes? How much energy do you expend trying to “control” things that may or may not really be within your control? Do you ever launch a prayer or invocation only to follow it with checking up often to see if it's materialized yet?

Behaviors such as these are understandable. Many of us use our own wills or “yang” energies to get the job and major projects done, to make sure that every day operates as business-as-usual, to guarantee that the hectic juggling of caring for children and scheduling details all goes smoothly and everyone's whereabouts are accounted. There certainly is a time and place for this drive and energy.

AND, there is also a time to conserve our energy and let Divinity offer up the unlimited energies of the Universe as the power source to fuel you and keep you going. Here in the Silicon Valley, we are quite familiar with the story of burn-out—personal, work-related, or relationships. It's no wonder when we expend all our energy to keep up with the personal responsibility of what feels like making sure the world keeps going 'round, our systems and bodies get to a point where there is just nothing left to give. There must be Divine Balance between giving and receiving. Just as the battery of a cell phone loses its charge until the phone gets plugged in to a power source and replenished, so do our bodies, systems and souls require the same recharging and revitalizing.

How does one get to this place of greater surrender? For, surrender, faith and trust is really what we're talking about here. It's really a chicken-and-egg scenario: you can choose to keep trying to use your own energy to control everything, and wait to make sure that the outcomes are the way you so desire before you decide to then surrender, have faith and trust. Or, you can choose to take a leap of surrender, faith and trust, and then watch everything unfold before your eyes. Which one feels better to you? Which one feels like less of an expenditure of energy on your part?

Place your faith in Divinity and in God's Hands. Focus on the big picture, on the end goal. What do you ultimately choose to have in your life? God wants nothing more, nothing less for us than what we want for ourselves. It is our own limiting beliefs, the restrictions we put on ourselves, that blocks us from receiving God's greatest gifts marked just for us. God knows what we need before we even know what to ask for. The issue is our receptivity.

Get clear in your mind about what you allow yourself to have. Identify any limiting beliefs and obstacles that make you think “you can't have it” or “you can only have a little but you can't really have it all.” Then, surrender it. Let go and place it all in God's Hands. Let God, Divinity, the Universe do all the work. Let them figure out the details – how, when why, where, what resources, what timing, etc. All these are things that will be taken care of. Focus on the end goal, and then cut, detach, release yourself from the details. Do you really think the details are too difficult for God to handle? If God can create the magnificence that is this Universe, He certainly could take on the task of helping us manifest one or two goals, right?

When things materialize, we give thanks of deep gratitude. When things have yet to materialize, we go even deeper into our surrender, faith and trust that there is a Higher Plan for us. What we may think we need may still be too limiting. God may have even bigger plans for us, if we are patient and wait for the right and proper timing. Think back to some of the things that have or have not unfolded in our pasts. Hasn't everything worked out thus far? We're still alive. We're still going. We may even acknowledge that something we really wanted back then and didn't get was a blessing, because something even better, even more right was waiting for us in the future. Even some of the most difficult and traumatic times—the death of a loved one, for example—have brought us gifts to live by. If we're willing to acknowledge and receive them.

When we sit back and let God into the driver's seat, our lives become easier. God wants us to have easier lives. But it is our divine choice as to whether we choose the path of suffering or the path of easiness. Either way, God doesn't care. It is all our choice.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |

Birth Room Research: Using Pranic Healing Techniques in Labor and Delivery Rooms

In a double-blind study conducted by Andrea Tarabek, R.N., and Jim Sorden, Senior Certified Pranic Healer, specific Pranic Healing techniques were used to remove “dirty and diseased” energies and to increase the “positive and healthy” energy level to prepare birthing rooms for the labor and delivery process.

According to the statistics gathered, there were an increased percentage of births with intact perineum, an increased percentage of non-medicated births, and a reduction in the number of complications.

Read the full study.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Easier Lives Through Gratitude

What is gratitude? It is a state of being, a presence of grace that flows around us and through us. With gratitude, every ounce of our being is focused on all that is right, all that is good, the abundance and prosperity that fills all areas of our lives.

Sounds like fairies and pixies and dancing through fields? A more practical and probably relevant question us readers are probably wanting to cut to the chase on is: how does one focus on being grateful when it seems like there are so many challenges everywhere we look? How and why should we focus on being grateful when our friends or maybe even we ourselves are facing layoffs, there are all sorts of economic uncertainties going on, homes are being lost, or we might just be more wound up and snappy toward the ones we love without meaning to be, simply because of the mounting pressures we're facing and feeling?

It's easy to be grateful when things are going well. The sign of spiritual maturity and growth is when we can be grateful even when our surroundings test us. Not everyone may be on a conscious path to soul evolution or mastery, however, all beings can benefit from a little grace and gratitude in their lives. What makes gratitude so important?

Gratitude is all about attitude (seriously, we're not just trying to be clever with words here). Gratitude is a choice to create a positive, upward trend or momentum of energy that directs where your life—and everything in it—heads. Do you want to focus all your energy on that which you actually do have (no matter how small it is, we still have something we can be grateful for) or do you want to focus all your energy and attention on everything that is wrong and that you don't have?

Similar energies attract; opposite energies repel. We've seen this discussed and represented through numerous mainstream vehicles—e.g., the popular online movie “The Secret”, best-selling books like “The Law of Attraction”. More and more people are discovering every day that which GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui has been teaching through Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga: “that which you focus your attention on will tend to appear.”

So, gratitude is about making a conscious decision about how you want to live your life and then directing your energy toward the end result, thereby manifesting and materializing better, easier lives for ourselves.

We know all the “pros” for living a life filled with gratitude: you start to feel better, you have a more positive attitude and outlook, you tend to be more open and willing to try new solutions and ideas for those areas where there are “gaps” waiting to be filled with abundance. There's not a whole lot to lose on the “pros” side of the list.

What about the “cons”? What if you were to surrender to gratitude? Some think that you aren't being realistic if you fail to focus on the issues/problems at hand. Some people feel that you have to worry about what's going on, you need to anticipate the bad that could happen so you'll be ready for it when it does happen. There absolutely is a place in every person's life for planning. Here's the secret: gratitude and planning CAN go hand-in-hand. There is no reason to keep an eye on your financial investments with a sense of regularity and to balance and re-balance your portfolio to adjust to market conditions. Just be grateful that you have some money to even invest or to worry about even losing. You can save money, keep your resume updated, and make sure you're networking regularly with contacts in your industry in case layoffs do hit your company. But in the meantime, be grateful that you have a job to go to, no matter how not-fun the company's environment is, and be grateful that you have enough skills and talents to put on a resume, or that you're even healthy enough to get out of bed, shower and change yourself without assistance. We guarantee you: you can always find something to be grateful about, even if it's just the breath of air you inhaled. It's all about choice.

It's a natural tendency to worry, especially in times of uncertainty. And, if you are okay with the role that worry plays in your life, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Let us ask you, though: does focusing on what could go wrong control it from not happening? Let us phrase it another way: if worrying actually made a difference in the outcome, wouldn't the worriers have less challenges in their lives and the happy-go-lucky non-worries have more challenges? Wouldn't you be able to brag, “I am such a fantastic worrier that I have a wonderful, blissful life because I've worried all bad things out of existence?”

Again, we're not advocating irresponsibility or lack of planning. However, once you've done everything within your power to cover all your bases and account for that which you can, it's the surrender to allowing gratitude into your life that takes you the rest of the way home to a place of comfort, to an easier, more joyful life.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |


Healthy Brains, Healthy Lives -- Superbrain Yoga®

For some time now, scientists and researchers alike are learning more and more about the importance of brain waves—or, the energy of the brain—as demonstrated by the abundance of biofeedback programs, brain synchronization tools, and other brain wave therapy programs. From mainstream, off-the-shelf solutions to in-clinic therapies, people are turning to the brain for deeper answers.

Superbrain Yoga is a simple and effective yogic technique to energize and recharge the brain. This exercise transforms or internally alchemizes the energies from the lower energy centers into higher subtler energies. These energies are then utilized by the upper energy centers. When those centers are highly energized, they energize the brain so it can function with greater efficiency and effectivity.

Superbrain Yoga not only energizes and activates the brain, but also assists in balancing the energies of the heart, throat, ajna, forehead and crown energy centers.

Scientific studies have shown increase in Alpha waves and synchronization of left ad right brain waves with the practice of Superbrain Yoga. Studies conducted on school children—including those with ADD/ADHD, development and cognitive delays, down syndrome and specific learning disabilities have shown significant increase in academic and behavioral performance, greater class participation and improved skills.

Benefits of prolonged practice include increased intelligence, greater psychological stability, reduced stress, greater mental clarity, balanced left and right brain activity. This technique is so simple, even young children can easily learn it—plus, it can be done in less than 5 minutes per day!

Interested in learning more? Superbrain Yoga will be taught in Sacramento (Fair Oaks) on March 19, 6:30-9:30 pm. Please contact us for more details.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Allowing Greatness Into Your Life

When is "Good Enough" Not Enough?

“Good vs. Great” is a phrase coined by life coach, Cheryl Richardson, in her book “Life Makeovers”. She describes the choices that people make when they settle for “good enough” instead of holding out for “great” in their lives.

For many of us, good enough is just that—after all, who are we to expect, or even ask, for more? Many of us have been raised with negative associations when it comes to asking for what we want, or have faced disappointment for wanting and expecting more...and then not getting it. It only seems logical then, that staying in the realm of good enough is safe—we get close enough to what we want without any risk of being disappointed because we haven't invested or gone out on a limb to shoot for more.

But, what if we started off this year by imagining something different? What would our lives look like if we only accepted great? What if, in the game of blackjack, a “17” was no longer good enough and instead you wanted a “21”? Take a moment to list the following areas of your life (and any others you may want to include): career/work, finances, romantic relationships, friendships, family, spirituality, and health. On a scale of 21, what number do you rate each area in terms of satisfaction and fulfillment? Do you have “21s” across the board? In which particular areas are you settling for less? And, are you okay with how you see your life?

Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui has said, “the greatest obstacles come from within, not from outside.” Obstacles to great may come in all forms and flavors. Lack of self-worth—truly believing you deserve to have the best; guilt about having a great, easy life when others around you may not; difficulty receiving (it's easy for you to give, give, give, but difficult to allow others to give back to you).

With Pranic Healing, it IS possible to have easier, happier, richer lives in all areas—21s across the board, GREAT instead of good enough. By changing and energizing your intentions, by removing and disintegrating the obstacles, you create room for your new, positive, better lives to materialize!

Pick an area of your life where you want a “21”, where you want greatness. Write out what you want for this area of your life—even your wildest dreams. What does a “21” look like for this part of your life? Create your list with the end-goal in mind, i.e., what DO you want, as opposed to all the things you DO NOT want. Once you've completed this list, one a separate piece of paper, list out all the things that you feel prevent you from having this life that you've just described. List all the feelings, thoughts, doubts, emotions, internal self-talk, and people who are more comfortable with you as you are. This is your private list, so be as thorough as you can about all the reasons why you think you can't have the life you just described.

For those students who have taken Pranic Psychotherapy, Kriyashakti or Arhatic Yoga, use the Whiteboard or Blue Triangle techniques to disintegrate and remove the obstacles on your list. Thought forms, obstacles, emotions – these all have energy behind them. By disintegrating and removing these obstacles, you remove the energy that attract that which you no longer choose to have in your life. If you have not taken these classes, a simple invocation will work as well. For example,

To the Supreme God (or to whomever you pray), Divine Mother, Divine Father, to all the Great Ones, to all the Holy Angels, Archangles, Spiritual Helpers, Teachers and Beings of Our Souls, to our Divine Selves:

We humbly invoke and thank you for gently and mercifully disintegrating and removing all of these obstacles from our lives. Thank you for the Divine Purification and Healing in all areas of our lives.

In Full Faith and with Thanks, Amen.”

Once you have cleared the obstacles, energize the brand new life that you've described for yourself using the Materialization techniques in Kriyashakti. Through this practice, you are creating the energy that attracts what it is that you DO want. A simple invocation for your goals could be:

To the Supreme God (or to whomever you pray), Divine Mother, Divine Father, to all the Great Ones, to all the Holy Angels, Archangles, Spiritual Helpers, Teachers and Beings of Our Souls, to our Divine Selves:

We humbly invoke and thank you for my brand new life of...[list the characteristics and things you have described in your new life, e.g., divine happiness, divine self-confidence, divine trust and faith, etc.]

In Full Faith and with Thanks, Amen”

Continue this practice every day for 30 days, and then move on to the next area of your life that you want to change to GREAT.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |

Empower Yourself - Allowing Anger to be Your Guide

Anger is often a misunderstood emotion—something that tends to be correlated with negative connotations, harm and violence. For many of us, it is one of the emotions that carries a power and force behind it that can be intimidating and frightening.

In Pranic Healing, we learn that all emotions and feelings are simply energies with different vibrational frequencies. Likewise, as we play and experiment in classes, we see that energies can be disintegrated, transformed and transmuted into higher-frequency energies. The most salient example of this is the Meditation on Twin Hearts—a meditation that not only brings tremendous blessings to the entire Earth, but also transforms and transmutes energies into love, happiness and inner peace. Have you noticed how easy it is to let go of the stresses and worries of the days after you've practiced Meditation on Twin Hearts?

What does this have to do with anger, you might wonder? Anger can actually be a positive, healthy emotion that helps to empower and make our lives better. Anger is a signal, a communication from your higher soul that lets you know when the actions or behaviors of another oversteps what is acceptable to you and your boundaries. Think back to some of the times that you have been angry; what do you see when you look beyond the situation, words, actions that took place? Did you have feelings of discomfort? Did you see something happening that was not okay with you?

Embracing anger and using it in a positive, healthy was is nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of. Wrong-doing or transgressions can be as obvious as someone betraying your trust, to something more subtle like always being the one to go pick up the lunch every time there is a team meeting. The emotion of anger helps you identify when you feel like a boundary is being violated or when your own needs are not being met. How lucky are we that we have such a salient, helpful signal to tell us when our divinity is not receiving the respect or treatment we would like it to have?!

Healthy expression and releasing of anger is another aspect of using anger in a positive way. Begin by simply turning your awareness inward throughout the day and notice what things trigger the emotion of anger. It doesn't need to be anger in the full-blown, screaming, raging aspect. Even something as simple as being irritated is a dimension of the emotion of anger. Take note as to when you feel these emotions and identify what it is about the situation that is causing the emotions to arise. Are you feeling angry because you are always giving to others but not receiving the same courtesy? Are you irritated because a co-worker is draining your energy by always complaining about your boss? Is the baby-sitter demonstrating a lack of respect for your time by always showing up 15 minutes late thereby throwing your schedule off? There are so many dimensions to anger; it's not just the scary violence we see in movies and read about in newspapers.

Change the situation with Right Thought, Right Speech and Right Actions. This is one of the most empowering ways to release and use anger to benefit yourself. Being angry does not mean one needs to be nasty or violent. Anger can be channeled into setting clear expectations and boundaries about what will/will not work for you, and then can be the fuel you need to reinforce those expectations and boundaries when they are not being met. While it may seem intimidating for those who are conflict-adverse, Right Thought/Right Speech/Right Action provide you with the ability to disentangle from the emotions and to express yourself clearly without necessarily engaging in conflict. It is amazing how people will respond to pleasant but firm statements about your expectations or needs!

Bless with love and cut the cords. Love has the power to transform and transmute. Bless the situation, bless the person or people involved who have done something to cause your emotions to be angry. Bless and the cut the cords. Let love and God take over and give the people/situation what they need. It is not your responsibility to fix those involved in your situation. Your responsibility lies with staying true to yourself and empowering yourself by standing up for what your soul needs and wants—by giving your soul the right environment to focus on its Divine Purpose and Divine Work here on Earth. Let love and Got take care of those who are at the cause of your anger. Let anger be your guide along your path to Divine Purpose.

The purpose of this article is to discuss anger as a general emotion in everyday interactions and situations around us. If you are in a situation where your safety is at risk, where there is abuse, violence or other harmful actions taking place, please reach out and seek help—through the local authorities, a trusted spiritual minister or counselor, or many of the local and national hot lines and organizations that are set up and trained to provide the right and proper assistance. Please do not ever think or feel that this type of behavior is justified or deserved.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |

Pranic Healing Live Recorded Events

Lectures and Web Casts Available Online
Listen to broadcasts from Pranic Healers and Instructors around the world on a variety of topics including Pranic Healing for Infants and Toddlers, Pranic Healing or Business and Self-Healing, Pranic Beauty and more. Audio files are posted online at the Planetary Peace Movement web site, and are available at any time for downloading.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |