When is "Good Enough" Not Enough?
“Good vs. Great” is a phrase coined by life coach, Cheryl Richardson, in her book “Life Makeovers”. She describes the choices that people make when they settle for “good enough” instead of holding out for “great” in their lives.
For many of us, good enough is just that—after all, who are we to expect, or even ask, for more? Many of us have been raised with negative associations when it comes to asking for what we want, or have faced disappointment for wanting and expecting more...and then not getting it. It only seems logical then, that staying in the realm of good enough is safe—we get close enough to what we want without any risk of being disappointed because we haven't invested or gone out on a limb to shoot for more.
But, what if we started off this year by imagining something different? What would our lives look like if we only accepted great? What if, in the game of blackjack, a “17” was no longer good enough and instead you wanted a “21”? Take a moment to list the following areas of your life (and any others you may want to include): career/work, finances, romantic relationships, friendships, family, spirituality, and health. On a scale of 21, what number do you rate each area in terms of satisfaction and fulfillment? Do you have “21s” across the board? In which particular areas are you settling for less? And, are you okay with how you see your life?
Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui has said, “the greatest obstacles come from within, not from outside.” Obstacles to great may come in all forms and flavors. Lack of self-worth—truly believing you deserve to have the best; guilt about having a great, easy life when others around you may not; difficulty receiving (it's easy for you to give, give, give, but difficult to allow others to give back to you).
With Pranic Healing, it IS possible to have easier, happier, richer lives in all areas—21s across the board, GREAT instead of good enough. By changing and energizing your intentions, by removing and disintegrating the obstacles, you create room for your new, positive, better lives to materialize!
Pick an area of your life where you want a “21”, where you want greatness. Write out what you want for this area of your life—even your wildest dreams. What does a “21” look like for this part of your life? Create your list with the end-goal in mind, i.e., what DO you want, as opposed to all the things you DO NOT want. Once you've completed this list, one a separate piece of paper, list out all the things that you feel prevent you from having this life that you've just described. List all the feelings, thoughts, doubts, emotions, internal self-talk, and people who are more comfortable with you as you are. This is your private list, so be as thorough as you can about all the reasons why you think you can't have the life you just described.
For those students who have taken Pranic Psychotherapy, Kriyashakti or Arhatic Yoga, use the Whiteboard or Blue Triangle techniques to disintegrate and remove the obstacles on your list. Thought forms, obstacles, emotions – these all have energy behind them. By disintegrating and removing these obstacles, you remove the energy that attract that which you no longer choose to have in your life. If you have not taken these classes, a simple invocation will work as well. For example,
“To the Supreme God (or to whomever you pray), Divine Mother, Divine Father, to all the Great Ones, to all the Holy Angels, Archangles, Spiritual Helpers, Teachers and Beings of Light...to Our Souls, to our Divine Selves:
We humbly invoke and thank you for gently and mercifully disintegrating and removing all of these obstacles from our lives. Thank you for the Divine Purification and Healing in all areas of our lives.
In Full Faith and with Thanks, Amen.”
Once you have cleared the obstacles, energize the brand new life that you've described for yourself using the Materialization techniques in Kriyashakti. Through this practice, you are creating the energy that attracts what it is that you DO want. A simple invocation for your goals could be:
“To the Supreme God (or to whomever you pray), Divine Mother, Divine Father, to all the Great Ones, to all the Holy Angels, Archangles, Spiritual Helpers, Teachers and Beings of Light...to Our Souls, to our Divine Selves:
We humbly invoke and thank you for my brand new life of...[list the characteristics and things you have described in your new life, e.g., divine happiness, divine self-confidence, divine trust and faith, etc.]
In Full Faith and with Thanks, Amen”
Continue this practice every day for 30 days, and then move on to the next area of your life that you want to change to GREAT.
Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center | pranichealing.ncalif@gmail.com