Tuesday, September 9, 2008



I AM not the body.
The body is the vehicle for the Soul.

I AM not the emotion.
I AM not the thought.
The carpenter is not the furniture.
The emotions and the thoughts are products of the Soul.

I AM not the mind.
The computer user is not the computer.
The mind is only a subtle
instrument of the Soul.
I AM the Soul.

I AM a spiritual being of
Divine Intelligence,
Divine Love, Divine Power.
I AM one with my Higher Soul;

I AM one with my Divine Spark.
I AM a child of God.
I AM connected with God.
I am one with God.
I am one with all.

It is human nature to identify ourselves by our physical bodies, our emotions, our thoughts, our situations. How often have you said, “I am hungry, I am angry, I am depressed, I am poor”, and felt as though you really were these things—all-consuming, 100% entrenched in the feeling, emotion, or situation at that moment?

I AM THAT I AM is the golden ticket to release oneself from the suffering and pain of losses and disappointments in our lives. As you begin to uncover the layers of truth and meaning in this meditation, you begin the first step in the process of dealing with your situation. You disentangle yourself, your Higher Self, from the emotional, physical and mental bodies in which your incarnated soul resides. You begin to realize and understand that you are not the situation. You are not the pain or the grief that you are experiencing.

Let’s take a moment to do a few experiments: move your arms. What are you doing? I AM moving my arms. What is being moved? The arms. Are you the arms? No. Who is moving the arms? I AM. I AM is the mover, the arms are the objects being moved.

Think of a car. What are you doing? I AM thinking of a car. Who is the thinker? I AM is the thinker. What was created? The thought of a car. Think of an apple. What are you doing? I AM thinking of an apple. Who is the thinker? I AM is the thinker. Who created the thought of an apple? I AM created the thought of an apple. What was created? The thought of an apple. Are you the thought itself? No.

Feel sadness. What are you doing? I AM feeling or creating the emotion of sadness. Who created the emotion? I AM created the emotion. What emotion was created? The emotion of sadness. Are you the emotion of sadness itself? No.

Disintegrate the emotion of sadness. What is left? The I AM is left. Disintegrate all the thoughts and emotions you have created. What is left? The I AM.

Are you the mind? No. The mind is just a subtle instrument of the I AM or the soul. The soul uses the mind to create thoughts and emotions. Therefore, thoughts and emotions are just the products. The mind corresponds to the computer that can generate and process data. The I AM or the soul corresponds to the person using the computer. The mind is not the I AM just as you, the person using the computer, are not the computer. You are the I AM. You are the soul.

Are you the body? No. The body is like a car while the soul corresponds to the driver. The body is just a vehicle of the soul. The soul needs to body to evolve. The body is not the soul or the I AM. In other words, you are not the body. You are not the mind. Neither are you the thoughts nor the emotions. You are the I AM. You are the soul. You are immortal. As the Lord Krishna said in The Bhagavad Gita, the soul or the self cannot be killed, cannot be slain, cannot be drowned, and cannot be burned. It is immortal. Just as a person changes his garments from day to day, so does a person change his body from incarnation to incarnation.

How does this help you deal with and get through your loss? Detach from it. Detach from the painful emotions, the painful thoughts. Zoom out and distance yourself from the situation, allowing you as the I AM, as the Higher Soul to observe all that is going on. Allow your Soul to receive clarity, to have accurate perception and correct discernment about the situation. If we are truly not the body, then take comfort in knowing that the Souls of your loved ones that have passed on still exist, freer than ever now that they have left the confines, and sometimes the pains, of their physical body. If we are not the body, then take comfort in knowing that you are not the physical illness, the medical diagnosis, that you’ve been given. Instead, you are the Soul. The I AM in you cannot be destroyed, no matter what is happening to your body. If you have lost your job, lost your home, lost your dream, know that you are not your job, you are not your home, you are not your dream. Even when these things are gone, you still exist. With clarity, right viewpoint and right perception, you attain the ability to detach from the situation and break it down into components: what is the situation, who is involved, what is happening, what would happen if we changed our thoughts/reactions to the situation?

We encounter suffering as part of life. What is the cause of suffering? Unrealistic expectations that things will always be the same. All things in life are subject to change—including the suffering that you face. Let the typhoon pass. Detach and observe from a vantage point outside of the “you” that is in the midst of the crisis. Meditation on Twin Hearts and Meditation on the Soul are two vehicles that can greatly help you weather the storm of emotions and suffering. As the Higher Soul exerts more control over your body and emotions, you will know when to attach, and when to detach and let go. And this is the starting point from where healing begins.

If you are going through a difficult time and would like to receive healing, we have several
free healing clinics where you can find assistance. Private individual, group and mini healing sessions are also available.

Excerpts from “Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul (formerly Meditations on Soul Realization)” by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui.

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