Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Freedom of Choice - Choosing Easier, Better Lives

Allowing others to live their lives is not always easy—especially if it's a child, close friend or loved one. It's even more challenging when we see that their choices may not be the best ones possible. So often it's easy for us as the observers to watch and see a pattern of mistakes repeated over and over again. We offer advice, opinions, suggestions about what to do differently next time. Much harder is it for us to accept when those we care about continue on a path of suffering instead of finding their way out.

Choice is a gift from God, a gift of Divine Freedom. Everyone has been given the gift of free will and choice. Some use this gift consciously, selectively choosing from the smorgasbord of options in life with awareness, grace and care. Others dive in with reckless abandonment, feasting on only those options that provide the greatest pleasures and gratifications. And some eat only whatever they see directly in front of them and then question the lack of variety or possibilities available.

Whether we live our lives consciously or not, choice is a Divine Birthright that is bestowed upon every single soul when it comes through the birth canal and into the brightness of the world. Choice is something that no one can take from you. It has been reported that survivors of some of the world's greatest tragedies stated that their key to staying alive was finding something they had a choice about every day—no matter how small it seemed. Divine Choice lends itself to Divine Empowerment.

As part of this freedom of choice, you are in control of choosing your thoughts, emotions, behaviors and decisions. No one makes you do anything you don't want to do. You may feel obligations to say “yes” when you really want to say “no”, but it is still within your Divine Right to say “no” if you really don't want to do something. When you begin to realize that you are the cause and everything that manifests in your life is the effect, you begin to live a life of pure Divine Freedom. For many, this may be a brand new way of thinking, especially if the belief has been that one's life is the result of forces happening all around.

Just as we individually have our own freedom of choice, so does everyone around us. A poignant example of this can be found in Step One from Al-Anon*, a program for families and friends of those suffering from alcoholism.

The “3 Cs” in Al-Anon
- I did not cause it (alcoholism)
- I cannot control it
- I cannot cure it

These tenets apply not only to those working through addictions, but can be applied to any choice that others make in life—specifically those choices that may be unhealthy, self-destructive, and/or lead to some form of suffering. When we see others we care about in less-than-ideal situations, relationships, environments, etc., all we can do is be supportive and give them the space to renegotiate a new choice that is better, that serves their higher purpose. While we may feel bad or have feelings of guilt for the suffering that loved one is going through, we must remember that: we did not cause their situation, we cannot control the choices they make, and we cannot cure their patterns of unhealthy behavior. Everyone has a choice. And, it is up to each one to decide that they want a new, a better, an easier life than the one the have through the choices they currently have made. Holding on to unhealthy patterns is a decision and a choice to continue to suffer. How does one stop the suffering? It happens the moment one decides to change.

* From How Al-Anon Works – page 46 (copyright 1995, by Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.)

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |

Allowing Divinity to Work for You

When you observe your actions throughout the day, how often do you find yourself trying to “steer” the directions of specific desired outcomes? How much energy do you expend trying to “control” things that may or may not really be within your control? Do you ever launch a prayer or invocation only to follow it with checking up often to see if it's materialized yet?

Behaviors such as these are understandable. Many of us use our own wills or “yang” energies to get the job and major projects done, to make sure that every day operates as business-as-usual, to guarantee that the hectic juggling of caring for children and scheduling details all goes smoothly and everyone's whereabouts are accounted. There certainly is a time and place for this drive and energy.

AND, there is also a time to conserve our energy and let Divinity offer up the unlimited energies of the Universe as the power source to fuel you and keep you going. Here in the Silicon Valley, we are quite familiar with the story of burn-out—personal, work-related, or relationships. It's no wonder when we expend all our energy to keep up with the personal responsibility of what feels like making sure the world keeps going 'round, our systems and bodies get to a point where there is just nothing left to give. There must be Divine Balance between giving and receiving. Just as the battery of a cell phone loses its charge until the phone gets plugged in to a power source and replenished, so do our bodies, systems and souls require the same recharging and revitalizing.

How does one get to this place of greater surrender? For, surrender, faith and trust is really what we're talking about here. It's really a chicken-and-egg scenario: you can choose to keep trying to use your own energy to control everything, and wait to make sure that the outcomes are the way you so desire before you decide to then surrender, have faith and trust. Or, you can choose to take a leap of surrender, faith and trust, and then watch everything unfold before your eyes. Which one feels better to you? Which one feels like less of an expenditure of energy on your part?

Place your faith in Divinity and in God's Hands. Focus on the big picture, on the end goal. What do you ultimately choose to have in your life? God wants nothing more, nothing less for us than what we want for ourselves. It is our own limiting beliefs, the restrictions we put on ourselves, that blocks us from receiving God's greatest gifts marked just for us. God knows what we need before we even know what to ask for. The issue is our receptivity.

Get clear in your mind about what you allow yourself to have. Identify any limiting beliefs and obstacles that make you think “you can't have it” or “you can only have a little but you can't really have it all.” Then, surrender it. Let go and place it all in God's Hands. Let God, Divinity, the Universe do all the work. Let them figure out the details – how, when why, where, what resources, what timing, etc. All these are things that will be taken care of. Focus on the end goal, and then cut, detach, release yourself from the details. Do you really think the details are too difficult for God to handle? If God can create the magnificence that is this Universe, He certainly could take on the task of helping us manifest one or two goals, right?

When things materialize, we give thanks of deep gratitude. When things have yet to materialize, we go even deeper into our surrender, faith and trust that there is a Higher Plan for us. What we may think we need may still be too limiting. God may have even bigger plans for us, if we are patient and wait for the right and proper timing. Think back to some of the things that have or have not unfolded in our pasts. Hasn't everything worked out thus far? We're still alive. We're still going. We may even acknowledge that something we really wanted back then and didn't get was a blessing, because something even better, even more right was waiting for us in the future. Even some of the most difficult and traumatic times—the death of a loved one, for example—have brought us gifts to live by. If we're willing to acknowledge and receive them.

When we sit back and let God into the driver's seat, our lives become easier. God wants us to have easier lives. But it is our divine choice as to whether we choose the path of suffering or the path of easiness. Either way, God doesn't care. It is all our choice.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |

Birth Room Research: Using Pranic Healing Techniques in Labor and Delivery Rooms

In a double-blind study conducted by Andrea Tarabek, R.N., and Jim Sorden, Senior Certified Pranic Healer, specific Pranic Healing techniques were used to remove “dirty and diseased” energies and to increase the “positive and healthy” energy level to prepare birthing rooms for the labor and delivery process.

According to the statistics gathered, there were an increased percentage of births with intact perineum, an increased percentage of non-medicated births, and a reduction in the number of complications.

Read the full study.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |