Monday, August 4, 2008

2009 Course Changes and New Pre-Requisites

The Institute for Inner Studies and the World Pranic Healing Foundation have created a new structure for Pranic Healing coursework in 2009. Beginning January 1, 2009, the core Pranic Healing courses – MCKS Pranic Healing® (Level 1), Advanced Pranic Healing® (Level 2), Pranic Psychotherapy® (Level 3) and Pranic Crystal Healing® (Level 4) – will need to be taken in consecutive order. For the Higher Spiritual Classes, completion of Pranic Healing Levels 1-3 and Arhatic Yoga Preparatory will become pre-requisites for the Higher Classes.

Prior to these changes, students were only asked to take Pranic Healing Level 1; from there, the student could take Healing Courses Levels 2-4 or any of the Higher Classes whenever they so desired. The new structure for the coursework will provide students with a more systematic method for learning, whereby the course materials can properly build upon one another and the student’s rate of learning and spiritual development may be accelerated.

About the Healing Classes
Pranic Healing Level 1: In PRANIC HEALING Level 1, you learn the basics of working with your energy aura, including learning to "scan," or feel the energy, to "sweep," or clean away congested energy, and to "energize," or supplement areas in your aura that have a pranic deficiency.

Pranic Healing Level 2: ADVANCED PRANIC HEALING is a specialized workshop for those who wish to become more effective healers. In ADVANCED PRANIC HEALING, you will learn how to utilize color prana for quicker, more effective healing results. Colored prana creates a more focused effect on the energy field and the chakras.

Pranic Healing Level 3: PRANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY is the application of PRANIC HEALING techniques to healing and alleviating emotional and mental imbalances. Negative emotions and traumatic experiences are essentially negative thought forms and emotional energies lodged in the aura and in the critical energy centers. These energies are often difficult to release,requiring months or even years of traditional psychotherapy to experience any improvement. But PRANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY offers you the ability to quickly and safely release these crippling energetic patterns.

Pranic Healing Level 4: In PRANIC CRYSTAL HEALING you will learn how to harness the power of one of Mother Earth's precious gifts, crystals and gem stones, which you can use to enhance your healing ability, spirituality and prosperity.

Pranic Healing Level 5: PRANIC PSYCHIC SELF-DEFENSE teaches you scientific ways of utilizing pranic energies to properly protect yourself, your belongings, surroundings and love ones. PRANIC PSYCHIC SELF-DEFENSE teaches you to protect yourself and loved ones from psychic attacks, negative intentions, malicious entities and energetic pollution.

For more information on the specific course pre-requisites in 2009, or for questions about how to take additional classes before the new structure is implemented, please contact us.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center 916.806.1704

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Transforming Lives through Pranic Healing

Countless testimonials have been provided by people who have received Pranic Healing sessions and had their lives changed for the better. There’s the Pranic Healing student, told he had two months left to live, who participated in Pranic Healing sessions and whose subsequent blood work came back completely clean. There’s the marriage that was once filled with anger, hatred and revenge between both spouses that was saved when one of the spouses started integrating the teachings on character building into her life and returning her husband’s nastiness with kindness and love. There’s the senior executive of a company whose business had accumulated over $100M in losses who used Kriyashakti techniques (Pranic Healing for financial abundance and prosperity) and sold his company for his desired price of $100M within the timeframe he had specified.

As students progress on the spiritual path as well as through the Pranic Healing courses, one begins to understand one of Master Choa Kok Sui’s fundamental teachings: everything is energy. Physical health, emotional and mental well-being, relationships, finances, and the evolution of the soul – everything is energy in various forms. By creating positive energy in our lives, and transforming/transmuting negative or lower energies, we can use Pranic Healing to “heal” and improve every aspect of our lives.

The main purpose of Pranic Healing is to alleviate the suffering of people by complementing allopathic medicine with Pranic Energy Healing. Master Choa Kok Sui’s vision is to produce one Pranic Healer for every family, one Arhatic yogi for every one thousand people, one Senior Arhatic yogi out of every ten Arhatic yogis, and so on. As our souls continue to spiritually develop, as more people strive to evolve and disentangle themselves from emotional, mental, physical struggles, the world will change, be transformed and progress beyond recognition.

In order to spread Pranic Healing and share these experiences with all, Pranic Healers are needed. The Pranic Healing Certification Program is for dedicated people who would like to take their healing skills to the next level. The certification process includes formal in-depth training in Pranic Healing courses accompanied with an assigned senior mentor and a comprehensive written exam.

  • Associate Certified Pranic Healers are those practitioners who have completed the basic requirements of coursework, apprenticeship and examination
  • Certified Pranic Healers consist of practitioners who undergo additional coursework and apprenticeship (two additional years).
  • Senior Certified Pranic Healers are those who have continued to add to their formal training and have been working as Certified Pranic Healers for at least 5-7 years.

Attaining one of the three levels within the Pranic Healer Certification Program can lend itself to a variety of paths—from creating your own business with a steady income from clients, to gaining one of the richest spiritual opportunities to learn under the guidance of a senior Pranic Healer, to simply helping family and friends with ailments and obstacles in their lives.

Participation in the Pranic Healing Certification Program is encouraged, regardless of your background. For more information about the program, please email us.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center 916.806.1704

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Success Story: Healing Addictions

NJ was a chronic smoker who easily went through 2 packs of cigarettes a day for 45+ years. No matter how hard she tried, she would only succeed in stopping for several hours before the cravings kicked in and overtook her willpower to quit. “I had this habit for so long, I didn’t know what I would do without it in my life,” she described.

NJ turned to a Certified Pranic Healer for treatments when she finally made a decision that she had to change something if she was going to improve the quality of her life and regain some semblance of control. “After my first Pranic Healing session, the cravings significantly decreased and I was able to limit myself to half a pack of cigarettes a day!” This was quite a dramatic change from the excruciating cravings that overtook her in the past. “Then, after three sessions, I went down to one cigarette a day. I wanted to stop there; I feel a major sense of accomplishment in dropping from two packs down to one cigarette a day,” explained NJ.

For 10 years, AB readily smoked a pack of cigarettes a day as part of his regular routine. Like NJ, it was the overpowering cravings that kept him coming back time and time again to his trustworthy pack of cigarettes and favorite lighter. For many smokers, the ritual of lighting the cigarette, taking the deep inhalations and feeling the smoke fill their lungs are sensations around which their cravings are wrapped. “After one Pranic Healing session, I threw away my cigarettes. I had zero cravings, absolutely none! It was amazing! I wish that I had discovered this solution so much sooner,” AB confessed.

What is it about addictions that are so hard to break? We know the physiological aspects of certain substances like nicotine and drugs that “hook” the body into needing more. But, if addictions were purely physiological, wouldn’t treatments like nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or even prescribed drugs like Methadone be enough to help a person stop?

Thinking and feeling produce energy beings which are called thought forms or emotional thought entities—thought entities for short. These thought entities are living energetic beings. These thoughts and feelings are real and could affect and influence you and other people positively or negatively.

When a person has an addiction, the associated energies produced are lodged in certain chakras or energy centers, resulting in the “energetic reason” behind the addiction cravings. Repeated difficulties in attempts to quit may produce repeated thoughts of fear, poor self-esteem, insecurity, futility, and/or indifference. Thinking and feeling negatively for a long period of time will produce negative thought entities with strong inhibiting effects, manifesting as severe depression. The negative thought entities may be located in the congested areas of the solar plexus, throat, and crown chakras. Obsession and compulsion are also due to powerful thought entities lodged in the solar plexus, throat, and crown chakras. This is why when the physical necessity for the addictive substance has been satisfied, people still have difficulty getting rid of the cravings.

By treating the chakras, by inhibiting or activating the chakras, and by removing the negative thought entities and elementals associated with the addiction, the behavior of a person can be positively modified, and psychologically healed. If elementary sweeping were to be applied, with the techniques learned in Level 1 Pranic Healing or Level 2 Advanced Pranic Healing, it might require exponential sweepings in order to thoroughly clean the chakras and protective webs. A more advanced technique of removing these negative elementals and thought entities is taught in Level 3 Pranic Psychotherapy, with the use of electric violet pranic energy. As part of Pranic Psychotherapy, healers are advised to also create chakral shields for the patient’s affected chakras, and to create auric shields to prevent the negative elementals from psychologically re-infecting the patient.

Pranic Psychotherapy is only intended to supplement psychological counseling, rehabilitation programs, and psychiatric treatments. Patients with serious physical, psychological ailments and addictions must consult the proper medical professionals.

If you are interested in additional details and the general protocol for healing addictions, or if you would like to receive Pranic Healing sessions to heal an addiction, please contact us with your request.

From Master Choa Kok Sui Pranic Psychotherapy and The Origin of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center 916.806.1704

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Keeping Family Dynamics Healthy

Everyone knows that “Crazy Aunt Millie” will start bringing up the past at the family potluck, that Older Sister Susy will inevitably sulk in the den because Younger Brother Bobby has dealt with his share of mischief and is still the golden child, and that Mom may start nagging Dad because he procrastinated as usual and it turns out the gas grill is out of propane and dinner is already two hours late.

Families, families, families. If you read today’s pop-psychology books or watch the afternoon talk shows, it seems as though everyone’s family could fall within the definition of “dysfunctional” at one point or another. At the end of the day, which family isn’t without its challenges? The point of our existence here on Earth, especially with the souls we’ve chosen to incarnate with in the most intimate of relationships as Mother-Father-Sister-Brother, is to spiritually evolve and grow through our interactions with others.

How do you make it easier to get along with your family? How do you forgive and let go of past transgressions, of past hurts and mistakes toward each other? After all, none of us are perfect. Our spouses, our parents – they’re all doing the best they can at this given moment.

Words are one of the most powerful forms of energy that can raise a person up or bring them crashing down. An unsavory placed criticism of a spouse’s weakness can create insecurity and hurt feelings that get dredge up in subsequent disagreements. An overheard conversation by a child in which he is being compared less favorably than his sibling can take years of therapy to repair.

The Whiteboard Technique is one of the energy techniques taught in Pranic Psychotherapy to help erase and undo the lasting impact of these mistakes. Of course, the first line of effort is always to practice Loving Kindness and Non-Injury: Loving Kindness in the form of physically being helpful, charitable and courteous; verbally being supporting, nurturing and inspirational; emotionally and mentally being psychologically supporting and nurturing. In terms of Non-Injury: physically avoiding causing harm; verbally avoiding harsh words and excessive criticism; mentally avoiding excessive mental criticism, angry thoughts, and enviousness.

But, as we are all evolving and evolution is a process that requires time and many mistakes, when we do slip up and make one of the above mistakes, the right course of action is to disintegrate and erase the mistake energetically using the Whiteboard Technique. By doing this, any negative energies, thought forms, entities or elementals are disintegrated, and are prevented from lodging into the chakras of the person who was criticized, and your act of undoing your mistake together will help to harmonize the relationship.

Meditation on Twin Hearts is another useful vehicle for blessing your family and loved ones with tremendous amounts of divine energy. When families practice Meditation on Twin Hearts together, their auras and energy become more loving and peaceful, harmonizing the family unit even further. For those families where all individuals may not be willing to practice Meditation on Twin Hearts together, it will still help for the willing individual(s) to continue practicing the meditation and releasing the energy at the end in the form of blessing each of the individuals and then the entire family unit, while visualizing a happy, healthy, loving family gathered together.

For specific details and instructions on the Whiteboard Technique, please email us.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center 916.806.1704

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