Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wesak Full-Moon Meditation

Friday, May 8, 8:00 pm PDT

As the most powerful Full Moon of the Year, it is a priceless opportunity that is only available once a year for your Soul to bathe in the massive spiritual energies being brought to us by the Lord Buddha, through the Lord Christ and all the Spiritual Elders of our Beloved Mother Earth.

Please join us for this Sacred Event! Master Co will give a talk at 8 pm PDT on the Four Noble Truths & the Eightfold Path. At 8:50 pm PDT, the Wesak Festival Meditation will start. Immediately after, we will focus the massive energies to Bless the Global Economy, our loved ones and our projects.

Dial-in information.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |
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Love People as They Are

It is much easier to love people as they are than to hope that they will act and behave in the manner that we wish they would. When we learn to love people as they are, we create easier, more harmonious relationships and peace within ourselves.

Each day offers the opportunity to interact with people—be it in social settings, work environments, or simply out and about. Some of these engagements may be heart-warming and positive; others may leave you with feelings of disappointment or perhaps irritation. Unless one chooses to retreat and live the life of a spiritual aspirant in the Himalayan Mountains, we will always be interacting and exchanging energy with those around us.

When you look at some of the relationships in your life that might have some sticking points or friction, what are the contributing factors that create disharmony? Take a moment to honestly scan: what % of the friction is contributed by the other party? What % is contributed by YOU?

Often when our dissatisfaction in others arise, it tends to stem from missed expectations—our anticipation of how we wanted the interaction to flow, what we wanted the other party to say or do, what the end result was in comparison to what we wanted it to be. How often have we described these interactions to others and in our description we say the words, “I wish he was more…”, “She should have said…”, “Why couldn’t he have acted more…” The common factor here is that we want things to be a certain way and they are not! We want people to act the way we want them to and they don’t always align with our wishes!

Instead of expending precious energy trying to change others, isn’t it so much easier if we change ourselves instead? If we put our focus and attention on accepting people as they are—strengths, flaws and all? When you focus on the good, you will get more of it. If a peaceful, easy existence is what you’re after in your life, then shift into this frame of mind, praise people for what they ARE doing properly and let the rest of it go. Put your hands in blessing position and send loving pink energy to all of your relationships, especially the ones that are more difficult. Bless each person with happiness, peace and harmony. Some of them you will bless and let go out of your life. Others you will bless and then find a place for them in your life, exactly as they are. And then, you can enjoy and appreciate them for the things that make them special and unique to you.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |
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Creating Prosperity Weekend Training

July 2009 Higher Courses

MCKS Pranic Feng Shui: July 24
Secrets of Feng Shui never before divulged to the general public. Learn how the energies of different directions and environmental formations affect your health, wealth and spirituality.

MCKS Kriyashakti(R): July 25-26
Kriya$hakti teaches you how to properly harness the power of your thoughts, subtle energies and your auric field to create a life of prosperity and success both materially as well as spiritually.

MCKS Inner Christianity Revealed: July 27
Discover the Inner Teachings of the Lord Christ to transform and empower your life. MCKS' mission is to unify religious schools of thinking by exploring the interwoven truth "we are all children of God, connected to God, one with God and one with All."

Read more.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center |

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

With God, All Things are Possible

Regardless of to whom you pray, all paths lead back to the Supreme God. And with God, all things are possible.

“How could that be?” you might ask. Many of us tend to look at situations in our lives or the world around us and ask how God could be with us when we see distress, turmoil or suffering. Some may even give “tests” to God: “if you really exist, then make this problem go away and THEN I'll believe in you. Only then will I have faith in you.”

The thing is, God typically doesn't rationalize things like us incarnated beings do. God's Love, His Grace, His Compassion and His Mercy are unconditional! He offers this to all of us—the good, the not so good, the bad, and even the terrible. God loves all of us unconditionally. Part of the human opportunity is to recognize some potentially misguided beliefs about God: call it the God-as-Santa-Claus or God-as-your-parent concept. Essentially, we think that God rewards us when we are “good” and punishes us when we are “bad”.

When we project these beliefs, essentially we are sending forth limiting beliefs into the Universe. We are cutting ourselves off from the Source every time we make a judgment about ourselves, our actions, and we decide that we came up short or we weren't “good enough” or “not worthy” to deserve God's Blessings. You may read this statement and dismiss it as something for others who have low self-esteem, low self-confidence, or who are always beating themselves up about something. At first glance, that might seem like the target audience to whom this message speaks. However, there are many levels of truth, and for the spiritual aspirant who is on the path to soul evolution, a pause to consider, ask, and scan the question “Are there any conscious or unconscious, known or unknown, internal or external obstacles preventing God's Will to fully manifest through me?” If your scanning shows “yes” to this question, then there is some work to be done to clear and purify these obstacles.

When we say “with God, all things are possible”, we're essentially talking about God's Will, God's Highest Plan for each of us. We don't always know what God's Highest Plan is for each of us. That is the beauty and mystery of life. When we don't land the much-needed job after the interview and start thinking that finding a way to make a living is really hard, or that we are horrible in interviews, we've immediately flipped the switch to the “off” position—the switch that allows God's Will to flow through us. We don't know that maybe, perhaps, God has something even better for us around the corner, that this wasn't the right and proper job and God wants MORE for us than we could even imagine for ourselves. But, how will we know that if we turn off the receptivity switch before God and God's timing has a chance to deliver?

So, how do we get to a place where we allow this infinite power source into our lives? We begin by humbling ourselves and moving to a place of great respect toward God and His Highest Plan that is created uniquely for each one of us. We continue to monitor our words, our thoughts, our actions for things that would obstacalize us from believing that we truly deserve to have magnificent lives. If we cannot say, “I deserve God's Promise to be Divinely Healthy, Divinely Wealthy, Divinely Happy, Divinely in Love,” whatever phrase it is you choose; and, if we more importantly cannot fully believe in the statement, then we need to use the Teachings of Pranic Healing to clear, release and purify to remove these limitations until we know with Absolute Faith that these things are all part of God's Desires for each of us.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center

The Three Spiritual Festivals of 2009

There are three major spiritual Festivals which for the high point in the annual cycle. These are the Festival of Easter (at the Aries full moon), the Festival of Wesak (at the Taurus full moon), and the Festival of Goodwill (at the Gemini full moon). Through the steady, persistent meditation work of many individuals and groups in all parts of the world, these Festivals are now achieving a subjective anchorage in the consciousness of mankind.*

During this time, the cooperation of the Buddha and the Christ sets up a channel of distribution for the Shamballa force, the energy of the will-to-good, but the completion of this channel depends upon the cooperation of spiritually responsive individuals throughout the world.*
Read more.

* All information here is courtesy of Lucius Trust.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center

Wesak Festival in California

Wesak Festival Meditation: May 8, 6 – 10:30 pm, Anaheim, CA
This year each Master/Acharya will be leading special meditations throughout the world to harness and anchor the divine blessings of the Buddha and the Spiritual Hierarchy throughout Mother Earth.

Inner Buddhism Revealed: May 9, 9 am – 10:30 pm, Anaheim, CA
It is customary during the Sacred Time of Wesak for Spiritual Teachers to give a Discourse on the Four Noble Truths & the Eightfold Path.

Click here for more info.

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center

Arhatic Fundraiser Event

All Arhatic Yogis are invited to join in a special Arhatic Intensive Fund Raising Event where all proceeds will be equally divided between Feed Your Soul and the Endowment Fund for World Peace & Global Healing, after expenses. This event will be led by Charlotte Anderson, wife of Master Choa Kok Sui and compiler of his last 10 books. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will take place June 13-14.

More info

Pranic Healing Northern California, in affiliation with U.S. Pranic Healing Center