Tuesday, September 9, 2008



I AM not the body.
The body is the vehicle for the Soul.

I AM not the emotion.
I AM not the thought.
The carpenter is not the furniture.
The emotions and the thoughts are products of the Soul.

I AM not the mind.
The computer user is not the computer.
The mind is only a subtle
instrument of the Soul.
I AM the Soul.

I AM a spiritual being of
Divine Intelligence,
Divine Love, Divine Power.
I AM one with my Higher Soul;

I AM one with my Divine Spark.
I AM a child of God.
I AM connected with God.
I am one with God.
I am one with all.

It is human nature to identify ourselves by our physical bodies, our emotions, our thoughts, our situations. How often have you said, “I am hungry, I am angry, I am depressed, I am poor”, and felt as though you really were these things—all-consuming, 100% entrenched in the feeling, emotion, or situation at that moment?

I AM THAT I AM is the golden ticket to release oneself from the suffering and pain of losses and disappointments in our lives. As you begin to uncover the layers of truth and meaning in this meditation, you begin the first step in the process of dealing with your situation. You disentangle yourself, your Higher Self, from the emotional, physical and mental bodies in which your incarnated soul resides. You begin to realize and understand that you are not the situation. You are not the pain or the grief that you are experiencing.

Let’s take a moment to do a few experiments: move your arms. What are you doing? I AM moving my arms. What is being moved? The arms. Are you the arms? No. Who is moving the arms? I AM. I AM is the mover, the arms are the objects being moved.

Think of a car. What are you doing? I AM thinking of a car. Who is the thinker? I AM is the thinker. What was created? The thought of a car. Think of an apple. What are you doing? I AM thinking of an apple. Who is the thinker? I AM is the thinker. Who created the thought of an apple? I AM created the thought of an apple. What was created? The thought of an apple. Are you the thought itself? No.

Feel sadness. What are you doing? I AM feeling or creating the emotion of sadness. Who created the emotion? I AM created the emotion. What emotion was created? The emotion of sadness. Are you the emotion of sadness itself? No.

Disintegrate the emotion of sadness. What is left? The I AM is left. Disintegrate all the thoughts and emotions you have created. What is left? The I AM.

Are you the mind? No. The mind is just a subtle instrument of the I AM or the soul. The soul uses the mind to create thoughts and emotions. Therefore, thoughts and emotions are just the products. The mind corresponds to the computer that can generate and process data. The I AM or the soul corresponds to the person using the computer. The mind is not the I AM just as you, the person using the computer, are not the computer. You are the I AM. You are the soul.

Are you the body? No. The body is like a car while the soul corresponds to the driver. The body is just a vehicle of the soul. The soul needs to body to evolve. The body is not the soul or the I AM. In other words, you are not the body. You are not the mind. Neither are you the thoughts nor the emotions. You are the I AM. You are the soul. You are immortal. As the Lord Krishna said in The Bhagavad Gita, the soul or the self cannot be killed, cannot be slain, cannot be drowned, and cannot be burned. It is immortal. Just as a person changes his garments from day to day, so does a person change his body from incarnation to incarnation.

How does this help you deal with and get through your loss? Detach from it. Detach from the painful emotions, the painful thoughts. Zoom out and distance yourself from the situation, allowing you as the I AM, as the Higher Soul to observe all that is going on. Allow your Soul to receive clarity, to have accurate perception and correct discernment about the situation. If we are truly not the body, then take comfort in knowing that the Souls of your loved ones that have passed on still exist, freer than ever now that they have left the confines, and sometimes the pains, of their physical body. If we are not the body, then take comfort in knowing that you are not the physical illness, the medical diagnosis, that you’ve been given. Instead, you are the Soul. The I AM in you cannot be destroyed, no matter what is happening to your body. If you have lost your job, lost your home, lost your dream, know that you are not your job, you are not your home, you are not your dream. Even when these things are gone, you still exist. With clarity, right viewpoint and right perception, you attain the ability to detach from the situation and break it down into components: what is the situation, who is involved, what is happening, what would happen if we changed our thoughts/reactions to the situation?

We encounter suffering as part of life. What is the cause of suffering? Unrealistic expectations that things will always be the same. All things in life are subject to change—including the suffering that you face. Let the typhoon pass. Detach and observe from a vantage point outside of the “you” that is in the midst of the crisis. Meditation on Twin Hearts and Meditation on the Soul are two vehicles that can greatly help you weather the storm of emotions and suffering. As the Higher Soul exerts more control over your body and emotions, you will know when to attach, and when to detach and let go. And this is the starting point from where healing begins.

If you are going through a difficult time and would like to receive healing, we have several
free healing clinics where you can find assistance. Private individual, group and mini healing sessions are also available.

Excerpts from “Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul (formerly Meditations on Soul Realization)” by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui.

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Receptivity and Divine Blessings

In times of need or personal crisis, we tend to search for various outlets to provide us with the strength we need to get through the situation at hand. Often times, many seek to explore their relationship with God or a higher power—whether they believed deeply in the past or had a limited relationship before.

When we feel as though we are alone, take comfort in knowing that the Supreme God, and all of the Great Ones and Healing Angels are with you at all times, ready, willing, and often times already healing and helping whether or not you are aware. The Supreme God always knows what we need, even before we know what we need. What we lack in clarity is usually a due in part to lack of receptivity—conscious or unconscious. Common resistance or barriers to receiving include guilt about healing and letting go of the suffering, identification and attachment to the situation, ingratitude, anger and blame toward God for allowing the situation to happen.

It is through faith and trust that we increase our ability to absorb and receive the Blessings that are being sent forth to help us in all ways on all levels. For those students who have learned the technique, using the Blue Triangle technique to sacrifice barriers and obstacles to having the right and proper receptivity is a powerful tool in increasing receptivity. For all others, simply increasing the awareness of the thoughts and emotions one is having can be the first step in redirecting the power of thought toward increased receptivity. For example, how do you pray in times of need? Is it a passionate plea based in desperate need: “please God, please God, please help me get through this”? Or, is it a supplication entrenched in belief that you will be assisted: “Dear God, thank you, thank you for blessing me with the Divine Strength needed to get through this difficult time”? Thoughts have power. Words have power. By simply changing your thoughts and words, moving from a place of “lack” to a place of “gratitude”, you increase your receptivity to the support that the Universe is ready and willing to offer to you.

*Excerpts from “The Existence of God is Self-Evident” and “The Origin of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga” by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui

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Thy Will Be Done

Sometimes in the midst of pain and despair, the emotions thrash about, looking for reason, explanation, or even resisting the situation which is at hand until there becomes a realization that the only way out of the suffering is through the act of surrendering.

Good things happen to good people. Bad things also happen to good people. We may not always know the reasons “why” behind what happens. Sometimes situations are choices that the Soul makes as part of its Higher Plan in order to work through karmic debts. Sometimes they are choices that the Soul makes in order to learn specific lessons in this lifetime.

In GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui’s Kabalistic Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer, “thy Will be done” refers to the alignment of our wills with the Will of God—also corresponding to the front and back solar plexus chakras, the centers of lower emotions. In Kabbalah, the solar plexus chakra is called Gevurah, which means severity, judgment, and strength. Let us find inner strength in knowing that there is a Higher Plan for all of us, even in the midst of our pain and suffering. Let us find inner strength in knowing that there is always a Higher Reason, and take comfort in knowing that as we align our wills with the Will of God, everything that we do and everything that happens to us and through us is being guided by Divinity. We are the humble instruments here on Earth for God’s Will to manifest. Everything we do, we do on behalf of the Higher Plan—not only for ourselves but for the consciousness of the Earth. Surrender in that knowledge that this interconnecting web that binds us directly to the painful situation, or indirectly through our compassion and empathy for those who are suffering, is all part of God’s Will.

Let the will of my higher soul be done,
not the urges of my lower nature.
Let the will of my higher soul be aligned
with the will of my spiritual teacher.
Let the will of my higher soul be aligned
with the will of God.
I ask for the blessing of my higher soul.
I ask for soul mastery.
Let Thy will be done.
So be it.

As our higher nature takes greater control over the lower nature, as our wills become aligned with the wills of our Sat Guru and the will of God, we find the strength to face all of the challenges that come our way, as well as savor the joys and bliss that are also part of God’s gifts to us and our lives.

It is in surrendering that we are able to release the grip that the situation has over us—mentally, physically, and emotionally. Surrendering includes a dimension of forgiveness: forgiveness and release of anger at our selves for not being able to control and remove the situation. Forgiveness toward the source or person for causing you this pain. Forgiveness toward the problem itself for existing and not going way. Or even, forgiveness toward God for allowing this situation to happen. The Forgiveness Technique may help in releasing some of this anger that binds you to the situation, that blocks you from receiving God’s Divine Mercy, Compassion, and soothing, healing, purifying light to wash away your pain.

Perhaps the increased awareness and clarity that everything in our lives is part of God’s Will and the Higher Plan for us will allow us to forgive, surrender, and let go. This, too, shall pass.

From the “Universal and Kabbalistic Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer” by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui.

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Help Others, Help Yourself: The Great Invocation

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May the great Avatar return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth

What is the Great Invocation?

The Great Invocation belongs to all people and to all faiths. It is not confined to any one religion, race or creed. It is a means by which humanity can help prepare the way for the coming World Teacher, for Whom people of all faiths hope and wait. This Coming One is the embodiment of love. This Being is known by various names, such as the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior, the Lord Maitreya, the Imam Mahdi, Krishna, and the Bodhisatva.

The Great Invocation is a beautiful universal world prayer for humanity. Use of this prayer brings powerful changes to our life and to mankind. It is, therefore, important that we use this prayer with a joyful spirit and right attitude.

Why Read the Great Invocation?

The Great Invocation is a form of world service. By reading it regularly, you help in bringing about peace on Earth. Reading it brings down very strong spiritual energies. Many practical outcomes for the good of humanity result from the reception of these energies, such as:
• Awareness of the subjective unity of humankind.
• Enlightened thought.
• Strengthened spiritual values.
• Greater cooperation between religions and nations.
• Increased understanding of the materialization of ideas and of the concepts of God and immortality.
• Elimination of bad habits of feeling and thought.
• Development of the faculty of intuition.
• Adequate food, clothing and housing for all people.
• Liberation of women and an increased awareness of the responsibilities of motherhood.
• Modernization of financial methods.
• Establishment of a common world language.
• Improved civilization through the use of atomic energy.
• Cultivation of the powers of the Soul.
• Establishment of new healing procedures.

On a personal level, by regularly reading the great invocation, a person attracts more luck factor in life, there's an increase in financial and material abundance & prosperity, an improvement in all relationships, better health, more peace and harmony. The place where the Great Invocation is placed becomes like a beacon of light thereby being engulfed in Divine Protection for all.

How to Use the Great Invocation?

Put it up on the East wall of your House/Office/ Establishment.

Read it every day for greater benefits.

As you say the prayer, visualize the world and all humanity and see Light, Love and Power (the Will-to-Good) spreading over the entire planet.

Conclude the Great Invocation with Om / Amin/ Amen/ Ik Omkar or your favorite sacred word and send blessings to all humanity.

Courtesy of www.luciustrust.org.

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